The Dutch National Programme Open Science (NPOS), wanted to update its Open Science Vision towards 2030 –
My role – together with Robert van der Vooren –was to support this strategy development process and to prepare an Ambition Document with Key Action Lines towards 2030. Next there were workshops and the outcomes led to a Consultation Paper []. The aim of this consultation was to give all Dutch stakeholders the opportunity to provide input on the NPOS2030 Ambition Document.
The Project
The new NPOS2030 Program Description includes the NPOS Vision for 2030, the guiding principles underlying this vision, an NPOS program framework and key action lines.
The NPOS2030 program facilitates all national stakeholders to work together to realize Open Science and to implement Open Science practices in line with international initiatives, moving from science ‘as it is’ to science ‘as it will be’.
This is now followed up by the Ministry for Education, Culture and Science in its policy letter 2022:
In order to give extra strength to the transition to open science, which has already been initiated in the past decade, … the establishment of an Open Science Directorate with NWO [], ….
With this body, efforts at national level can be better aligned, pooled and coordinated. The body will manage € 20 million per year to give an impulse to the transition, for the duration of the Research and Science Fund. After that, open science must be the norm and it must be fully incorporated into the working methods of universities and other knowledge institutions.